Cee’s Black and White Challenge: What is Beautiful to You

This post is in response to Cee’s Black and White Challenge. This week’s theme is, What is Beautiful to You, so I thought I’d post a few galleries. I hope you all like them.

I find beauty in roses, blooming gloriously throughout the summer months, their velvet soft petals curling in intricate layers.

I find beauty in the honey bees, meandering over the flower heads as they collect their nectar.

I find beauty in my nephew’s smile as he larks before the camera.

I find beauty in my oldest friends, Bear and Elephant.

I find beauty in roses, elegantly swaying in a summer breeze.

And yes – I know I’ve already shared some roses. I got a little carried away taking photographs of them. But they’re just so beautiful…


8 thoughts on “Cee’s Black and White Challenge: What is Beautiful to You

    1. I know what you mean! You’re so used to seeing them in colour that your mind tries to fill it in for you. If you’re curious they’re a mixture of red, pink and yellow roses. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!


    1. Thank you.:) I enjoyed finding the things to take pictures of. Bear and Elephant had been sitting on a shelf, rather unloved, for far too long!


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