Cee’s Black & White Challenge: Roadscapes

road to house

The lanes twist and turn across the countryside, crossing, merging and dividing as they skirt around fields and farmyards, winding in leisurely meanders in an intricate tarmacked maze. Muddied verges, puddled from recent rainfall, are torn and frayed by the tires of vehicles forced to pull aside on the narrow route. In the chill of winter days there is a stark beauty to the scene. It is a beauty made finer by a simple awareness – eventually, these lanes lead you home.

This post is my entry into this week’s Black and White Photo Challenge run by the wonderful Cee. This week’s theme is ‘Roadscapes’.

I just thought I’d point out that, despite what the descriptive passage may suggest, the house in the photograph is unfortunately not mine. It’s just one that I happen to pass on my drive home from work. This lane is one that we call ‘the pheasant lane’ as there’s a little woodland off to one side where a local farmer breeds pheasants for game. In the summer you have to drive down it really slowly because the young birds all sit right in the middle of the road. And there are a lot of them. Even when you think they’ve finally moved off to the side, quite frequently they’ll turn around and run back out again! It’s very irritating. I much prefer driving down it at this time of year.

4 thoughts on “Cee’s Black & White Challenge: Roadscapes

    1. I haven’t done any traditional photography since I was in school but I’d love to have a darkroom some day. At the moment I’m just enjoying digital photography. I’d never really done much b&w before but its quickly become one of my favorite edits!


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